Tuesday 19 August 2008

No Offense

When I started this blog, it was because of something I learned in a management course "Any Information will cause change".
Quite a few fellow Saudis here knew about my blog, and Manchester is quite the Saudi city. So it was only a matter of time until I got asked to stop writing and take down the blog. Many reasons were given, a new one with every request, until it got down to a point where not complying would not be in my best interest.
I never meant to offend KSA, my home country I always will hold dear. I just wanted to give 'outsiders' another perspective to events often distorted by those with an agenda.

Saudi Arabia is a land like all others, inhabited by humans good and bad, with the just and the evil, but mostly by people who have no idea about the bigger picture and just want to get by their daily lives...and now I am one of the later.


Anonymous said...


Birm said...

Too weak to write a full comment?

Then get some rest and vitamins. Come back later, everyone is welcome.

A Global Citizen said...

Wish you luck! The best of it!


Aafke said...

I'm sorry you had to quit. Speaking your mind would serve more understanding.
The people who pushed you into relinquishing your blog reinforce all the bad publicity about KSA.

You can always start again in secret, under a different name, and make sure not to tell anybody about it.

I do not think you are a coward, I wish you all the best.

Anonymous said...

too bad. it was one of the few blogs i actually looked forward to reading..

they can be a pain at times, i agree with the last comment, but not about the "in secret" part!

Anonymous said...

I know this is almost a year later, but would you care about sharing more info about the pressure with me?